Venturing out after quarantine

Venturing out after quarantine

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Three months. That’s how long I stayed away from church. My family and I attended Sunday service on March 15 and didn’t attend again until June 14. A lot happened in those three months. Then again, not much happened because we stayed home, “sheltering in place.” But you understand. You’ve lived through this unusual time. Venturing out after quarantine caused me to reflect on changes in myself.

Didn’t leave house much

During those three months, I stayed home most of the time. My first time out in April was to take my dog to the vet. Then I stayed home until May when I went to buy flowers and vegetables for my gardens. Next, on Memorial Day weekend, I joined my husband and mother-in-law to buy her flowers. The following week, I took a daughter to return her high school books and pick up her awards and art projects. Then I did another first. I went into the grocery store.

Because my husband continued working, he shopped. Now, I shopped. I’d heard about the barriers, masks, gloves so they were no surprise. Guilt washed over me though if I couldn’t locate an item. Did I need to circle around again, or could I walk back up the aisle? I stood back and waited my turn. I purchased my items. I left the store. Hey, that was not so scary.

Started venturing out more

The next week, we had dental appointments. More barriers, masks, and gloves—more than usual—greeted us. The constant concern of following the rules (which vary from place to place) and not offending someone weighed on me until I could be free at home. I charged into the grocery store again to buy some tomatoes. In and out. Fast and as efficient as I could be. My daughters remained in the car because I didn’t deem it essential for them to enter the store.

Then our pastor emailed that restrictions had lessened. We all agreed that it would be great to go to church, so the night before, we planned our outfits. We were eager to see familiar, friendly faces. It was good to worship in the congregation again, though there were fewer seats, and the seats were six feet apart. Yet it was good to be back.

Since then, I’ve ventured out more. Going out involves appointments, not so much something fun.

Changes noticed in me

But going out is different. I am different. I’ve been conditioned. Even though I stopped watching the news daily, I still know what is in the news. One would have to never look at a newspaper, listen to the radio, watch the television, visit on social media, go online, or visit with another person to not know all the negative stuff going on in our world.

My daughter works for an essential business. I’ve noticed the affects on her. Aside from the few times people were angry or rude, the gloves and masks send a loud message. THIS WORLD IS NOT SAFE. Although she loves her job and the people, she lost her eagerness to go. When the atmosphere opened up and returned to closer to normal and gloves were no longer required, the affects lingered. A customer’s hand touched hers in an exchange, and my daughter flinched.

I know how she feels. She’s been out in the world more than I have, but as I start to venture out more and more, sometimes I flinch.

This saddens me.

Seek a healthy balance when venturing out

You know, the world has never been a safe place. Nope. Not since Adam and Eve sinned in the garden. Until four months ago though, we went about our business and practiced common sense methods of staying healthy and safe. The government and media didn’t blast us with messages of common sense and declare if we didn’t stay home, we’d all pay terrible consequences. Now, venturing out seems risky.

It takes 66 days to form a new habit. Look at our new way of life.

I never intended to become brainwashed, but at some level, I have.

People got sick before. People died before. That’s life. Yet now there seems to be some who say we’ll spread germs and possibly infect others if we get sick and don’t know it. They yell about people being irresponsible and uncaring. That’s not true. No one I know would want to cause injury, sickness, or death to another.

I know lies fly about pretending to be truths. I anticipated returning to going places would be more fun. I sought to embrace freedoms only to discover, I’ve developed an ugly habit. I wonder what life will look like and feel like at the end of the next 66 days as I seek a healthy balance.

How did you feel venturing out again? How has the pandemic changed you?

7 Replies to “Venturing out after quarantine”

  1. Life is different due to the coronavirus. My husband tested positive almost 3 weeks ago. We quarantined. The rest of the family tested negative. He went for second test and finally received results today. Negative. Praise the Lord!

  2. I praise the Lord with you, Melissa Henderson. We usually look down on that word “negative”, but sometimes it can be a Shout to the Lord Happy Word!
    I don’t feel as though the virus has changed me much, I have not gone out a lot, but I do appreciate it when I see people in the grocery store wearing masks, not only for their protection, but for mine, too.

    1. How right you are, Donna, about the interpretations of words. When it comes to health tests, we certainly want to hear a test is negative because that means joy and relief for us. 🙂 I pray we all stay healthy.

  3. I feel a little nervous when I’m out and notice when people get too close, but I haven’t really been out too much. I still try to be kind and respectful to everyone. One day last week, we had postage due on an envelope and I went to pay the mail carrier and he yelled, “Stop, stay 6 feet away!” He threw the package at me and it hit my feet. It seemed so rude and hurtful. I’d even put on my mask. I’m sorry he felt threatened by me, but I think everyone should treat each other a little nicer.

    1. That experience would have shocked me as well. I’m sorry he reacted that way. Everyone should treat each other nicer without all this fear. I’m finding it discouraging, to say the least. Thanks for sharing, Shari, and for continuing to shine kindness in a crazy world.

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